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tv   Hannity  FOX News  March 10, 2012 12:00am-1:00am EST

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>> sean: and tonight on hannity we are learning more about president obama's controversial derek bell. we will show you footage and you be the judge of his radical views. mother context about who this man was and how he influenced the news of our president. also hear tonight from dr. thomas sole as well as a student of bell's who defends the professor. outrage is over when it comes to defending women. liberal women get an army to defend them. in light of maher's one million dollars to super pac, they have put this together just how bad on the folks on the left they really are.
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>> hi, bill maher here, sarah palin agreed to do commentary at fox news which is actually similar to her day job talking to a baby with down's syndrome. >> it's not because they have breasts, they are boobs. >> i hope they split the vote. >> i would like to announce a donation to the obama super pac. >> i thought about malea and sasha, i wanted them to speak their mind and i don't want them attacked or called horrible names because they are fwoo being good citizens. >> i would like to give that pac one million dollars. >> sarah palin, strange family of inbred weirdos [ bleep ] over and over until a baby fell out. >> the maverick they fined cbs
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million dollars for janet jackson's nipple. i think what they could get for hillary clinton. >> and highlights, bloomingdales sweaty flight attendant look. i'm going to try to lead by examples. her daughter was knocked up by alex rodriguez. >> they decided to help president obama and give him a financial boost. >> he has donated million dollars. >> i made a contribution to the super pac. >> it's a teachable moment. >> sean: unbelievable and bill burton chief strategist of pro obama pac says he will not return bill maher's one million dollar donation. president doesn't see the hypocritical nature of this. here is what he he had to say on
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international women's day. >> absolutely. >> what about the conservative women which he disagrees with. joining me now is one of the conservative women you saw being degraded by the not so funny bill maher. minnesota congresswoman michele bachmann. good to have you back. >> nice to be back on again. >> sean: let's get into the general issue here. >> this is small compilation that big maher has said. it's one commentator and they get away with this all the tie. comments were hypocritical. it showed bill maher for what he is. he a pig. when it comes to conservative women, he acts and speaks like a pig. this is ridiculous. i think we need to stand up for
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who we are, but this symptomatic those on the left are worried about. they know the big problem that barack obama has and in particular obamacare they are scared to death and they are doing everything they can to distract us from the real message from the mechanics of these policies. >> sean: there is a bigger and larger issue when me mentioned his daughters, he is saying lead by example. yet, here is his campaign, they take a million dollars from this guy. we are talking about the "c" word, "t" word, slut, all these terms that are being used by people and in this case, bill maher, million dollars to the obama super pac. shouldn't they return that money? >> of course they should. this is the crowd they claim for women's rights. they are big diversity crowd.
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they are the hypocrite crowd. of course they should return this million dollars from the obama campaign to bill maher. they should call him out for what he is. they loved this opportunity that they had to go after rush limbaugh because they know how powerful he is and they wanted to discredit rush limbaugh. here you have someone far worse by the order of magnitude. >> sean: without apology, by the way. >> without apology. remember why they are doing it. obama was in big trouble because of the religious discrimination because of obamacare. it was the first 3-d example of what obamacare looks like in real life, religious discrimination. women will lose under obamacare. we will have denial of care. we will have less care and cost
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more money. barack obama wanted to change the conversation to make it look like he is the defender of women and he is handing out goodies to women -- no he is in order. he is cutting them short of half a trillion dollars of medicare dollars. when it comes to denying us our religious liberty and ago at the go healthcare, obamacare is night ma mere for women's health. that is the denial of women's health. that is the issue we need to focus on this. we can't let barack obama get away this by distracting us. >> sean: i agree with you, a lot of this is designed to take the eye off the ball. i can tell you, the vehicle is going to continue. they are not going to stop us. we'll -- the veting is going to continue. we'll remind people that you have just pointed out.
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this is important to. let me play this. he kept saying leading by example. let me give you a few examples and has he called you like he did called sandra. >> we have to change the tone of government and politics here in washington and all across america. >> i expect us to move forward with a spirit of civility i. >> would say we have to think about tone. >> we need to find our way back. >> second way to keep our democracy healthy is maintain civility in the debate. >> over time, people respond to civility and rational arguments. it will not give up. i'm trying to change the tone of our politics. >> sean: tone, civility, lead by example. he himself republicans want dirty air and water and elderly
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have to defend for themselves which none of it is true. did you get a call from him? >> i have been waiting all week. i haven't gotten it yet. i don't think we should let up on the president until he gives the money back. >> sean: i admire the fact that you keep plowing ahead and not to take the eye off the ball. thank you for being with us. >> that's right. it's about the country. bye-bye, sean. >> we uncovered rare footage of president obama introducing and hugging and open your minds and hearth to controversial professor from harvard derek bell. thomas sole explains who the president was embracing and why this was all likely covered up. we have new tapes of professor bell. we'll play them tonight on hann wake up!
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>> sean: courtesy of breitbart shows harvard student president obama introducing a man named derek bell. >> i remember they organized an on orientation for first year students.
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and spoke about orientation to professor bell. now given us a lecture but engaging us in a conversation, open up your heart and your mind to the words of derek bell. >> sean: open up your hearts and minds to derek bell. then student hugged him. mr. president, that is what we have done over the course of last 48 hours. some of the words are pretty disturbing. it's obvious why your friend went to great lengths to hide that during the 2008 campaign. so tonight we will reveal a whole series of derek bell's controversial statements. we'll have one of the students to defend his name. but first, let's do as we were told open our hearts and minds to this controversial figure. he here is he talking about what kept an old friend motivated when racial tension was running high in the 1960s.
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>> why do you do it? he said she lived nearby. and it was a racial thing but she knew that many people that were nearby. she didn't have car no money. she didn't have a gun. but she i accepted that as my motto. i'm concerned about his radical lism was raider raised in 1990. thomas sole. here is what he had to say about professor bell. >> derek bell. >> yeah. >> harvard law school, black man.
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>> yeah. >> threatened the law school if they didn't hire a black woman. >> yeah. >> he is taking first, understand correctly, he is taking unpaid leave until such time until they hire a woman of color. he has also said by black he does not mean skin color he means those that are really black. not those that think white and look black. what he is really saying, he one ideological conformity in the people that they hire in the position. >> is he a hero? >> to me? >> is he a hero? >> he is idealist that is self-sacrificing, i suppose one could have seen hitler that way in his early days. it's a question where the idealism leads. he has launched a despicable
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attack on a young black professor of the law school that doesn't go along with this. >> sean: and newly reaction, intellectuals in society. dr. thomas sole. you don't look a day older. [ laughter ] >> thank you for having me. >> sean: what do you mean despicable treatment that you are referring to? >> this was a long time ago. i don't remember the particulars of it. there is ideological intolerance that bell has. he is fighting against the whites, he is also fighting against blacks that don't agree with him. he really has sort of totalitarian mindset. i once had a candid conversation back in the early 1980s and he is not a stupid man. you have to understand, derek bell was put in in an impossible
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position. he was hired as a full professor at harvard law school when he himself he did not have the kind of qualifications that people have when they get appointed as full professors at harvard law school. so his options were being a nobody among world famous intellectuals or to go off on his own shtick or try and be important. he chose the low road. fundamental problem was making him a professor at harvard law school when he himself he knew that was something he did not merited. >> sean: what about the comment, i accepted the motto i live to harass white folk. on another occasion, white boys. what does it say about him -- as
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we look at the por trat of president obama, right, olinski, resco, acorn and the way he is has governed. what does it tell you about the president? >> he, too, has turned his back on the ideal of a colorblind society. he is really for, i guess getting even society, a revenge society. i think the appointment of eric holder and his behavior as attorney general shows that same mindset. it's very ugly. particularly ironic in the case of bell because at one point in his career he fought against racism. now, he has gone into someone that thinks that racism should be put under new management. >> sean: talking about holder or the president turned back to the concept of the idea of
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colorblind society. >> i was thinking about derek bell, but also the case i think it would apply to eric holder and perhaps to the president. >> sean: i think it's more ideological. actually the person that i am most concerned that he hung out more than anybody. i don't like reverend wright at all, i don't know how you sit there f for 20 years and say chickens come home to roost. how do you hang out with an unrepen tenant terrorist, start a political career and sit on boards with him and does not get asked about that during a campaign season. does it happen to a republican? >> not that i know of. really they are going to explain
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anything that deviates from that. it's like having a friend that has hooked up with some bad woman. the question, are you going to try to tell her what is wrong with her which is not going to change anything except lose his friendship. i think people have that. >> sean: i didn't want to interrupt you. in your book, you dial with the issue of race in great detail. one of the things professor bell said, racism is a permanent part of the american scene. you add these new chapters. when he says racism is a permanent part of the american scene, do you agree with that? >> no. i think its permanent part of the thinking of people who have a huge vested vicinity in racism. phrase that was used years ago there are many black leaders who publicly claim that racism has
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not abated but privately are worried, it has. where are they going to be without racism. >> sean: you have chapters in the new book. thank you so much for being with us. >> thank you. >> sean: coming up, we continue to open our hearts and minds to the words of derek bell as we expose some of the wildly controversial passages from his book. the faces at the bottom of the well. former student will be here tonight in the studio to defend the profz beliefs and tea
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open up your hards and minds to the work of derek bell. >> sean: all right. let's continue to do what he asked. we'll look at a passage from one of bell's books. faces at the bottom of the well. racism. >> permanence of racism and on page 12, slavery is an example of what white america has done, a constant what white america might do. it's interesting to note and telling of this book that bell and his works came important to
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the president of united states. in the "new york times" in 2008 it was revealed the book contained above quotes and it was required reading for president obama's class when he taught at law school. and former student of the professor sally cohen. here a picture taken in april of last year, four months ago. now, we showed the video of barack obama, open your hearts and minds mind to professor bell. we showed something that they embraced. then we saw the professor we hid that tape in 2008. now, let's take one more look at some of the other controversial statements of professor bell when he announcers his support for left wing radical louis
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farrakhan. >> out of acceptance images you see is of the problem. louis farrakhan speaks of it while he is speaking to the needs and hopes of what have you to whom he is speaking. that the way you have it. i see louis farrakhan as a great hero to the people. i believe in everything he says but i don't agree with everything. >> sean: when you put all of this together, i have accepted as my motto i live to harass white folk. louis farrakhan is a great hero for the people. some of the other things we've been pointing out here. what do you say about tenure, white boys tenure. >> look.
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sean, i can't speak for everything he said. you heard the man. i don't agree with everything he says. i don't agree with everything, and it's safe to assume this is much to do about hugging. >> sean: it's not about hugging. >> because barack obama. >> open your hearts and minds. louis farrakhan he went on to say, i have accepted as my motto i live to harass of white people. >> all that was said after the hug. in the same syllabus in robert bork's critique of civil rights legislation. >> sean: he said open your heart and mind to professor bell. >> first of all. this was at a protest for supporting diversity on campus. i would hope you would want a president to support that.
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>> sean: if you have a conservative running for office or conservative wanting to be president of the united states. i have accepted my mot to live to harass black people. you would agree that louis farrakhan, he a seint semite. >> no, i don't know. >> he says the white man is skunk of planet earth. >> i think racist is a charged word. i think it would be inappropriate. >> he is a great hero for people. >> anybody that disagreeing with derek bell, the rich variety of many things he said, i would not want to accuse them to be racist. >> sean: i'm not saying that about him. but i want to go to this. what i'm saying this is not the controversial association as far as i'm concerned.
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the media never invented him. you brought up the story of jeremiah wright, when you first brought it up, when you brought all those people up and the way he has governed and now professor bell. what are we to conclude? >> well, part of the problem we have here is in the aggregate there is more and more of this incremental acceptance of radical thought. there are certain things that are just not acceptable. racism, anti-semitism, being anti-american or anti-white. it's not acceptable. the media is playing off this new video it's no big deal but it is a big deal. you can't keep black americans in this perception that it's still 1955. you can't tell them that they
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are never going to get anywhere. racism will be here. they will never be equal and not fall under scrutiny. if you are candidate for president or in this case the president of the united states, you can't embrace people like that and impact people to take notice. >> sean: what does it say about the president and aggregate. this is about vetting obama. the media asked one question about a years in the entire election? >> the media, the establishment press as i call them, are ideologically aligned with president obama, i believe. i personally think he is lot more radical than even a lot of the media might give him credit for. generally there are a lot of elite folks that really don't have a problem with minority
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cabal in making decisions for all 300 million of this. >> sean: we'll continue this next week. i know you have a lot more you want to say. >> president hugs a man who once said something about louis farrakhan. this one you are scraping the bottom of the bucket. it doesn't mean we agree on everything. >> i live to harass white folk. that doesn't bother you. >> i wouldn't have said it. i wish that we wouldn't be judged like that. >> and white boys? but his friends with them like he is friends with all these other radicals. >> he supported his cause for more diversity. i think you are grasping at straws. >> sean: this is a pattern that is very troubling. eric, good to see you. it's a speech sure to go viral.
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president is called out over his three-year apology tour. we have reaction from presidential candidate gingrich presidential candidate gingrich who is up next on on hannity. [ male announcer ] this is the age of knowing what you're made of.
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that was desecrated by the writing of detainees. yes, they got an apology. the families of american soldiers who were killed after opponent said he, quote, calmed things down by apologizing to afghanistan, nope, didn't get an apology. comments in 2011 that israel should return to 1967 borders that would have subjected to relentless attacks and vulnerability as mr. netanyahu explained, no. israel doesn't get one. >> sean: joining me to discuss that, former speaker of the house, newt gingrich. your reaction to that and leon panetta's can comments we need u.n. approval for military action. >> let me say, they are sort of parallel. i think louie is on to something. that is powerful indictment of the president's apologies.
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secretary pinetta, if he believes what he is quoted as saying that international organizations supersede the congress and you can be authorized internationally without congressional approval. he ought to resign. he is not the secretary of the defense for the united nations. he is the secretary of defense for the united states. he is bound by the united states constitution. all of left wing effort to get us subordinated to international organizations are efforts to undermine our constitutional rights and to take away from our rights that are inalienable. i was very surprised, if he means what he says he shouldn't be the secretary of defense. he is the wrong job for the wrong country. he ought to be doing a job for the united nations. >> sean: what do you make of the apologies, the choices of apology and the choices not to
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apologize what louie was pointing out? what does it say? >> i think obama comes out of a left wing view that the u.s. is usually wrong. what do you make of a president that apologizes to muslim if a national particulars and attacking the catholic church? how do you explain what the value system is behind those two? that stustd that obama is doing. i have to say as a citizen, i don't understand what his reasoning is. as louie pointed out, these were qurans that had been defaced by muslim political prisoners. the real question should have been. wright not the clericss in afghanistan condemning the muslim extremists that were defacing the quran. if it's that terrible thing, why are we taking the blame what their extremists were doing.
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>> sean: job numbers come out. we have now gone through a period here where we have lost a million jobs. we have now unemployment above 8%. 37 consecutive months. he said he would cut the deficit in half. they predicted unemployment would be at 6% and real unemployment according to gallup it's 19%. it doesn't mean that things are getting better? >> i think the president is in a very bad position. somebody calculated if the work force were the same size today that was the morning that barack obama was sworn in we would be 10.8% real unemployment and when you count the dropped out, one out of five. they don't realize hou world economy. there are lot of different
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challenges in the obama policies. remember he was at a 1.89 gallon gasoline the day he came into office. we have had the most expensive year for gasoline was 2011. if hoe it keeps going up this summer, this economy will crater again. he is in really difficult situation on the economy. >> sean: tuesday, alabama and mississippi you won the big prize on super tuesday which was your home state of georgia which you said was pivotal for you. what you see happening unfolding now as you look at the delegates with governor romney having a third of the necessary to win the nomination? what do you see going on here and what will you need to do take the nomination away from him which is you are campaign trail trying to do? >> first of all, i'm very
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grateful, carried 156 out of 159 countries and all the money spent by romney, people shrugged him off. i think we're going to do very well here. people shouldn't take the delegate counts too seriously. governor romney has limited number of delegates that are bound to him. there will be fights over arizona that will reduce his delegates even more. you think you'll see this is probably going to go on to june and july and could go to the convention. my goal is to do as well as we can here. the last two polls is showing me head in alabama as an mississippi. think people are responding to 2.50 gallon gasoline. then we'll go on to other key states, louisiana, arkansas,
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wisconsin, delaware, maryland, i think we'll continue to pick up delegates. the last two big states, texas and california, governor perry who is supporting me can carry texas by a pretty big margin. california will be a wildcard state. because they are going to elect by congressional district not statewide. i think we'll carry a lot of districts. my commitment is going to be to reach out to every delegate who is not legally bound. there are lots of delegates you can pick but they are not legally required to be for their candidate. >> sean: not legally bound that makes a difference. we'll have you back to talk about that. mr. speaker thank you for joining us from alabama. former speaker of the house. newt gingrich. great american panel is next.
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>> sean: tonight on our great american pan, bill bradley, and
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jacques and steven crowder. and tea party taste. jennifer is here. i showed this tape. bill maher, interspersed with all the comments about civility from barack obama, they say they are not giving it back? >> it exposes the fraudulent nature of left wing politics. debbie wasserman schultz goes on a show that calls women every name under the sun. president obama talks about civility, nothing. gives nothing back. >> sean: what does that mean? >> she didn't say the "s" word. it's not really a policy problem here. bill maher is a comedian. she pretty good comedian because
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he is a coward. bill maher is a decent comedian. he is clever but it's cowardly, if the entertainment industry. same thing to like-minded people the president lectures and takes a million dollars from this guy. >> sean, you know the packs are not governed. >> david axelrod is going on his show. >> i'm not a bill maher fan. let me state that. because of his attacks on christians in my view. so having said that, think it's a rough world. at this point, this is where the super pac policy has led us. i think you're not going to ask one side. >> sean: you can't blame the super pac if he is lecturing on civility and embracing and taking million dollars. >> it's a sea of mud.
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>> this is a cultural issue here. we don't want to live and die, bill maher can't say that. bill maher can say what he wants and people can boycott his show. even bill maher said that. >> this is about the fraudulent nature of feminism. these people plans around pretend they care about women. these people that rose that we don't need hit. what helped women is free market capitalism. i am tired of people like bill maher. if the president cared all about women, he would two things. he would lead by example and demand they return million dollars and stop running economic policies that is breaking the backs of women in the middle-class. >> sean: you don't want to miss
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>> sean: you don't want to miss this next topic straight we wan. right. but... home security systems can be really expensive. so to save money, we actually st adopted a rescue panther. i think i'm goin-... shhh! we find that we don't need to sleep that much. there's an easier way to save. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. ♪ [ male announcer ] the dodge journey was made to explore the real world. it has under-seat storage to bring everything, available seating for up to seven people to take everyone, and the grip of available all-wheel drive to go everywhere. think of it as a search engine helping you brows the real world. this marcht no extra charge third-row seating plus 0% financing on dodge journey.
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... >> sean: we continue with our great american panel. let me remind, student barack obama open up your hearts and minds to professor bell. >> open up your hearts and minds to the words of professor derek
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bell. >> this was praise louis farrakhan, white boys getting tenure, quote. that went on to say that his job talking about a woman in the south and he is taking up this model that to live to harass white folks. that is his motto he has taken up. another radical association. this is not a smoking gun but it's another example of another radical that barack obama was clearly influenced by and won't criticize? >> i think the best way to look at the situation with the president. if this were not a democratic president. if this were a republican one and he was associating with people like this, who switch words out. switch out white and black. then she how it plays and how people would react. now real equality, hold yourself to equal standards. what the president does and the reason he uses classic
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saullipinski. >> i think you are right. i think conservative associating with robert byrd would be a problem. but the problem is just not bell. but the problem is the media covered this. they didn't want the american% public to be given proper information. they want to make the decision for the american people. they don't want them to have information to make their own decisions. >> sean: the issue is media aspect of it. any of those comments bother you? any of these combined associations bother you? >> i have looked at the tape and listened to you. i'm going to be calling roger ailes to submit you for a pulitzer prize. you have discovered professor who has been dead for years and ignored the three years in office of barack obama.
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you haven't shown anybody who has harassed by derek bell. he happens to be an icon. a lot of people respect his opinions. he is a college student that is standing in the square of harvard who is now president of united states and takes remarks out of isolation. this station is number one cable news network in the world. how does that --. >> sean: one at a time. he is making one good point. i think the smoking gun -- i said before we had these tapes, i didn't say smoking gun, three and a half years as president. the american people agree with me. look at this poll. how many people now 50% of the american people view him as a failure, only 44% believe he is successful. that is why it's economics and i promise it's part of vetting
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process. this is the news this week. starting next week we'll have a lot of news how he has failed, but this is important, as well. the foundation, why he governs as a left socialist in government. >> how he gets away with it. i do agree with jack on one point. on none of the mistakenly stream media is covering up and ignoring the horrific economy he has overseeing. what is he doing? with this regulatory excess to the epa? it's in order to break the backs of the middle-class. >> i think it's a cultural issue and media. if barack obama doing drugs in college, a little bit of blow, columbian gold or people like scary my yeah wright --. >> sean: we're out of time. >> you want to talk about issues rather than talk about mitt romney providing a vision for